Our mission is to develop healthy habits and hopeful hearts in women throughout their lifespan to guide them to optimal health of the mind, body, and spirit.

Breathwork, inner dialogue practice, and movement are the foundational tools we utilize to assist our clients in their transformation. We believe that the body, mind, and spirit are connected and when one of those aspects of the human being is not functioning at its best, the whole system is off.

We love to have fun, share stories, dance, and laugh with each other as we learn and grow side-by-side. We welcome you to join us on our journey towards healthy habits and hopeful hearts!

Meet Our Coaches

Krista Patt, BS, ACSM-EP

Hi there and welcome to this wonderful community of self-healers, health-enthusiasts, and those somewhere on their journey. I started Holistic Habits and Performance with one goal in mind: to educate and support women on their journey to purpose and fulfillment.

As a young girl, I danced competitively, sang, and acted in numerous musical productions. Although at one point I wanted to move to New York and take my shot at Broadway, I ended up deciding that lifestyle wasn’t for me. I fell in love with movement and strength training as a young adult when I noticed my mental and physical health improved as a result of it. I ended up getting my degree in Kinesiology - the study of human movement. I then worked in two very different gym settings: one with primarily older adults recovering from cardiac and/or pulmonary rehab, and the other with generally healthy young adults whose main goals revolved around how their body looked.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the appeal of a fit, toned body; however, the mental aspect of focusing on aesthetics is far more harmful than it is good.

I saw many clients meet many goals, only to turn around and regress after we stopped working together. I thought there had to be a different way. I found that it all boils down to the holistic approach and goal setting. As a trainer, I can’t do my best work unless I know the whole you, which is why I incorporate mental and spiritual health into my practice. And I can’t wait to get started with you!! Call, email, or come see me to chat about your next moves, the best hike destinations, our kids/pets, and of course food.

Cheers to healthy habits and hopeful hearts!